In a large bowl, combine above ingredients. Cover and refridgerate for 1 hour.
In a 8" nonstick skillet, melt 1 tsp. butter. Stir batter; pour about 2 tablespoons into the center of skillet. Lift and tilt pan to evenly coat bottom. Cook until top appears dry; turn and cook 15-20 seconds longer. Remove to a wire rack.
In a saucepan, combine rhubarb, water, sugar, lemon peel and salt; bring to a boil. Reduce heat. Cook, uncovered, over medium heat until rhubarb is soft, about 10-15 minutes. Remove from the heat and let stand for 5 minutes. Stir in strawberries, lemon juice and cinnamon. Add food coloring if desired.
I used strawberry/rhubarb pie filling this morning, but I do make the sauce from scratch in the summer when I have access to fresh fruit. We've also used apple, or cherry, or blueberry piefilling. I have a crepe pan, so I use quite a bit more batter than the 2 tbsp. the recipe calls for.